My journey

I am Jana Reuther - Not your doctor, neither your nutritionist, nor fitness coach. What?! Yes you have read correctly. I assume you have ticked that box before. And did it help? Nope, right. Otherwise you would not have shown up on this page!

So who am I...

I went through the same as you, in business but above all physically and mentally. And I have made it my passion and call to get you out of this diet and fitness madness, supporting you in reaching your personal ideal weight in no time, without limiting yourself any longer. I want you to feel great about yourself, loving your body. Let me tell you my story...


I learned everything about calories – nutrition, work-outs how to lose weight.


I know a lot about your situation, I know what you are facing and what you have to struggle with, and I can empathize with your needs – coz I have been there.


I became a biohacker, went through hundreds of studies and books, especially the ones by the diet and fitness industry. I even became trained in RTT® (Rapid Transformational Therapy) by Marisa Peer, which has all to do with human behaviour, psychology, NLP and hypnosis. But also quantum physics and epigenetics became my everyday passion. So I cannot only tell you how your mind actually works, revealing and helping you reprogram certain thoughts, behaviours and habits you want to get rid off, but I can also give you quite some biohacks how to get along easily with the upgraded version of you in the future – feeling energized, complacent, liberated and happier!

And there is much more about me.
Get to know me in my Next Level Me program!